Senin, 28 Januari 2013

[Info Mobil] Hennessey Venom GT Digeber 13.63 Detik Langsung Capai 300 Kmj

Senin, 28 Januari 2013
Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Hennessey Venom GT Digeber 13.63 Detik
Langsung Capai 300 Kmj'

Supercar asal Amerika Serikat, Hennessey Venom GTtelah berhasil memecahkan rekor
dunia sekaligus menciptakan rekor dunia baru untuk akselerasi tercepat untuk
sebuah mobil versi produksi. Venom GTberhasil melakukan sprint dari posisi diam

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

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Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

[Kerja] Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013 Di Ambon

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013
Kerja has posted a new item, 'Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013 Di Ambon'

Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013 Di Ambon - Bursa Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Januari 2013, Job Vacancy Januari 2013, Loker Terbaru
Januari 2013, Lowongan Pekerjaan Januari 2013, Update Lowongan Kerja Januari
2013, Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Bulan Januari 2013 di Ambon.
PT. Bank Nationalnobu
Nobu National Bank sebuah Bank swasta nasional berwawasan global mencari tenaga
profesional berwawasan kedepan untuk mengisi posisi berikut :Frontliner
(Penempatan : Ambon)

Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Ambon

Requirements Lowongan Kerja Ambon Januari 2013:

Pria atau Wanita, usia max 26 tahun
Pendidikan minimal Diploma III Segala Jurusan
IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4,00)
Fresh graduate / Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
Berpenampilan menarik
Tinggi badan / berat badan proposional
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
Full-Time position(s) available.

Please send us your recent CV, Application letter, Photo, copy ID and transcript
academy to:

Recruitment Department
Karawaci Office Park (Ruko Pinangsia) Blok M no.27-29
Lippo karawaci - Tangerang 15811.
Phone : 021-5521215
(cantumkan kode posisi : FL Ambon disudut kanan amplop).

Or via Email to :
(Subject : FL Ambon).

Tgl. Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Januari 2013 Di Ambon 14 Feb 2013

Demikianlah informasi tentang Lowongan Kerja 2013 bisa anda baca juga Lowongan
Kerja Januari 2013 Di Aceh terima kasih dan salam sukses saya ucapkan.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

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Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

[Jual Beli Online] JUAL Gebyar handphone murah duniahp88

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013
Jual Beli Online has posted a new item, 'JUAL Gebyar handphone murah duniahp88'

Daftardaftar harga handphone yang kami tawarkan sbb:
iPad Apple
Apple iPad 1 64Gb (3G) = Rp.2.500.000
Apple iPad 1 32Gb (3G) = Rp.2.300.000
Apple iPad 1 16Gb (3G) = Rp.2.000.000

iPhone Apple 4G
iPhone 4g 64 GB = Rp.2.500.000
iPhone 4g 32 GB = Rp.2.300.000
iPhone 4g 16 GB = Rp.2.000.000

iPhone Apple 3Gs
iphone 3gs 32 GB = Rp.1.800.000
iphone 3gs 16 GB = Rp.1.500.000

iPhone Apple 3G
iPhone 3g 16 GB = Rp.1.300.000
iPhone 3g 8 GB = Rp.1.100.000

Blackberry Tourch 9800 = Rp.2.100.000
Blackberry Tourch 9850 = Rp.2.400.000
Blackberry Tourch 9810 = Rp.2.200.000
Blackberry DAKOTA 9900 = Rp.2.700.000
Blackberry BELLAGIO 9790 = Rp.2.200.000
Backberry APOLLO = Rp.1.600.000
Blackberry Bold 9000 = Rp.1.300.000
BlackBerry ONYX 9700 = Rp.1.500.000
BlackBerry Bold 9780(Onyx2) = Rp.Rp.1.800.000
Blackberry Curve 9300 3G = Rp.1.300.000
Blackberry Storm 2 9550 = Rp.1.300.000
Blackberry Storm 3/ MONACO = Rp.2.200.000
BlackBerry Javelin 8900 = Rp.1.100.000
Blackberry 9630 TOUR = Rp.1.200.000
Blackberry 9650 TOUR2 = Rp.1.500.000
BlackBerry Gemini = Rp.1.000.000

Nokia E72 = Rp. 1.300.000
Nokia E75 = Rp. 1.400.000
Nokia N97 = Rp. 1.500.000
Nokia X6 = Rp. 1.200.000
Nokia N900 = Rp.1.900.000
Nokia N8 = Rp. 1.800.000
Nokia E7 = Rp. 2.000.000

Samsung Galaxy S II = Rp.2.600.000,-
Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 16GB = Rp.2.650.000,-
Samsung Galaxy TAB2 P7500 32GB = Rp.3.300.000,-
Samsung Galaxy SL 4GB = Rp.2.100.000,-
Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 = Rp.1.225.000,-
Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 (SP) = Rp.2.200.000,-
Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 (FP) = Rp.2.700.000,-
Samsung Galaxy S = Rp.1.325.000,-

Untuk Info lengkap/Pemesanan :
Contact Person : Bpk.DWI
Phone : 0857-6264-0099.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Jual Beli Online

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[Jual Beli Online] Batang Kayu Karet

Jual Beli Online has posted a new item, 'Batang Kayu Karet'

Deskripsi Barang:

Dijual segera batang kayu karet lokasi Kota Bumi, luas 18 ha, umur 14 tahun.

Harga Barang: Rp.
Kontak Pengiklan/Penjual:
Nama Pengiklan: Pak Jaya No HP: 082177346977Alamat Pengiklan: Tanjung Karang,
Bandar Lampung
Cara Bertransaksi Aman:
1. Kontak melalui email, SMS atau telpon.
2. Sebutkan sumber informasi iklan, misal: "saya mendapatkan info mengenai ...
dari situs"
3. JANGAN SEKALI-KALI mengirimkan uang apapun kepada orang yang tidak Anda
4. Karena lingkup iklan di wilayah lampung, sebaiknya lakukan COD (Cash On

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Jual Beli Online

0 komentar

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Lowongan migas di HESS Corporation, 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Lowongan migas di HESS
Corporation, 2013'


Hess Corporation is a leading global independent energy company, engaged in the
exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, as well as in refining
and in marketing refined petroleum...

See d...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

0 komentar

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Budget Legislative Assistant -- House Member Personal Office

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013
Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Budget
Legislative Assistant -- House Member Personal Office'

Budget Legislative Assistant: budget issues primary focus of LA, generalist in
other legislative issues. Applicants need an advanced knowledge of the federal
budgetary process. They must also be able to demonstrate previous legislative

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

0 komentar

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] List of PSU's Recruiting Through Gate 2013 scores, jobs through Gate 2013

Senin, 07 Januari 2013
Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'List of PSU's
Recruiting Through Gate 2013 scores, jobs through Gate 2013'

Jobs through Gate 2013 Complete Info on List of PSU's Recruiting Through GATE
2013 ScoresList of organization and companies hiring Through Gate 2013 scores.
keeping Gate 2013 ascriteria For selection.. click on the links you will be

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

0 komentar

[Gizmo -] Automatically mount an AirPort-attached USB drive

Gizmo - has posted a new item, 'Automatically mount an
AirPort-attached USB drive'

Reader Alec Lancaster finds it too much trouble to mount a remote disk. He

Ive attached a USB hard drive to my AirPort Extreme Base Station and use it as a
storage location for all the computers on my network. This is convenient but I
hate having to manually mount the drive whenever I log out or restart one of my
Macs. Is there a way to configure it so it automatically mounts on each Macs

There is. One way to do this is to open a Finder window, select your base
station from the sidebar (found under the Shared setting), and mount the drive.
Then launch System Preferences, select the Users & Groups preference (called
Accounts in earlier versions of the Mac OS), click on the Lock icon, enter your
user name and password, and click Unlock. Now click on the Login Items tab and
drag the icon of the mounted drive into the list of login items. Quit System
Preferences. When you next log in or restart your Mac, the drive attached to
your base station should automatically mount.

Unless it doesnt.

And I offer these words of weasel because there are times when this doesnt work.
And I honestly havent a clue why. But I have found a more reliable solution that
goes a little something like this.

Launch Automator and in the template sheet that appears select Application and
click the Choose button. In Automators Search field enter server. From the
results that appear below, drag the Get Specified Servers and Connect to Servers
actions into the workflow area. Click the Add button in the Get Specified
Servers action and in the Choose URL window that appears, select your base
station. An address along the lines of smb:// will appear in the
Server Address field. Click OK.

Click the Run button in the workflow window. If youre prompted for a name and
password for the server, make sure that Registered User is selected and enter
your Macs user name but the base stations passwordnot the network password but
rather the password necessary to configure the base station. Then enable the
Remember This Password In My Keychain option and click Connect. The drive
attached to the base station will mount on the desktop. Save the workflow to the

As before, well add the workflow application to your login items. Same idea
here: Unlock the preference and drag the workflow into the login items area.
When you next log in or restart your Mac, the drive should mount. Repeat this
procedure for each Mac you'd like to use with the networked drive.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

0 komentar

[Gizmo -] Clearwire Investor Wants FCC to Block Sprint Sale

Gizmo - has posted a new item, 'Clearwire Investor Wants FCC
to Block Sprint Sale'

Crest Financial, an investment firm that owns about 8% of Clearwire, plans to
ask the Federal Communications Commission to prevent Sprint from acquiring the
remainder of the troubled mobile broadband company. Sprint owns just over 50%
and is looking to...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

0 komentar

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Lowongan Kerja Hutama Karya Persero January 2013

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Lowongan Kerja Hutama Karya
Persero January 2013'

Lowongan Kerja PT Hutama Karya Persero, adalah salah satu perusahaan kontraktor
BUMN skala nasional di Indonesia, berbagai bangunan telah banyak dibangun oleh
perusahaan ini dari mulai gedung sampai jalan raya. Berikut ini logo PT Hutama
karya persero ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

0 komentar

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Dibutuhkan Manager Konstruksi

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Dibutuhkan Manager Konstruksi'

05 Januari 2013 s/d 04 Februari 2013
Puri Anggrek
Jl. ceger raya no 74

Cluster perumahan di daerah Ceger Bintaro 

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

0 komentar

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Hospitality Vacancy 2013 at Kampoeng Villa Bali

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013
Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Hospitality
Vacancy 2013 at Kampoeng Villa Bali'

Jobs in Bali - Kampoeng Villa is a new affordable luxury villa in northern
Seminyak is inviting passionate individuals to join our opening team for
position as:
E-commerce & Reservation
Min. 1 year experience in the similar position ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

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Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Nurse Recruitment in Australia - Sydney

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013
Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Nurse
Recruitment in Australia - Sydney'

New South Wales (NSW) government going to improve their healthcare services for
the local people and expat community. In collaboration with HealthStaff
Recruitment presently they are recruiting Registered Nurses (RN) for Sydney
hospitals, as well as re...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

0 komentar

[Cantik] Cara Mengatasi Biang Keringat

Cantik has posted a new item, 'Cara Mengatasi Biang Keringat'

Tips dan Cara Mengatasi Biang KeringatBiang keringat atau miliaria adalah
istilah medis untuk kondisi kulit yang mengalami ruam panas atau ruam keringat.
Biang keringat merupakan gangguan pada kulit berupa peradangan yang dapat
menimbulkan rasa gatal....

You may view the latest post at

You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
Best regards,

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Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Rwanda Youth for Christ School Accountant Job Vacancy in Rwanda

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013
Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Rwanda Youth for
Christ School Accountant Job Vacancy in Rwanda'

How to apply:
Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications addressed to
the National Director not later than 7th JANUARY 2013 including;
Application letter.
Curriculum Vitae bearing at least two referees
Recommendation letter from the church.
TEL CONTACT 0785984069
Done at Kigali on 27/12/2012

MUGARURA Jean Baptiste
National Director
Rwanda Youth for Christ.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

0 komentar

[US Jobs Vacancies] Customer Serv. Officers, Compu Engrs/Scientists, Receptionists/Clerks /PRO at PSS Limited

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Customer Serv. Officers, Compu
Engrs/Scientists, Receptionists/Clerks /PRO at PSS Limited'

This post has already been read 186 times!
Vacancies: Customer Serv. Officers, Compu Engrs/Scientists, Receptionists/Clerks
We require suitable qualified candidates to fill the positions below:
Position: Customer Serv. Officers
Candidates must have OND/1st Deg
Position: Compu Engrs/Scientists
Position: Receptionists/Clerks /Pro
Candidates must have SSCE, OND
How to Apply:
Apply to E-mail
PSS Limited:
081 3090 2820
129, Okota Rd., Atinuke Centre, Cele
B/Stop, Off Oshodi Apapa Exp., Lagos
Applications close on 27th November 2012.
This post has already been read 186 times!

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

0 komentar

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

[Lowongan PNS -] BKD Berharap Tidak Ada Pengurangan Honorer

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013
Lowongan PNS has posted a new item, 'BKD Berharap Tidak Ada Pengurangan

MAKASSAR, FAJAR – Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Makassar akan mendatangi
kantor Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi
(Kemenpan & RB), terkait tenaga honorer kategori satu (K1) Pemkot Mak...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan PNS -

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