Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2024

Yay, SafeTrip+ is now active!

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2024
Gojek Indonesia
Gojek Indonesia

You're protected with SafeTrip+

Gojek Indonesia

Hi zetty putri pratama

You activated SafeTrip+ and it will be auto-applied to your every trip from 24 August 2024 until you deactivate it.


You now have personal accident insurance coverage from PT Asuransi Untuk Semua.

Here's the extra benefits you currently get by activating SafeTrip+

Gojek Indonesia

Death & disability coverage up to Rp350.000.000

  Gojek Indonesia

Medical expenses up to Rp35.000.000

  Gojek Indonesia

On-time guarantee by Gojek. You're eligible for a voucher if your pickup is delayed by 15 mins


To access more information about your SafeTrip+ benefits, here's how to do it:

Gojek Indonesia

Tap the icon pictured above on your fare estimate screen.

  Gojek Indonesia

You'll see the SafeTrip+ page & you can check all the benefits you get here.

Gojek Indonesia Gojek Indonesia  

Tap "Deactivate" on the bottom of the page or switch off the toggle button to deactivate SafeTrip+.

Gojek Indonesia

For more details about SafeTrip+ and how to claim, you can find it here.


Thank you for activating SafeTrip+. Let's travel even safer!


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Rabu, 26 Juni 2024

All Universal Analytics services cease to function starting July 1, 2024

Rabu, 26 Juni 2024

Hello Google Analytics user,

On July 1, 2024, Google Analytics 4 properties will have fully replaced Universal Analytics properties, as previously announced. From that date, Google will begin turning off all Universal Analytics services and Universal Analytics APIs, which means Universal Analytics properties will be inaccessible through the Google Analytics front-end and APIs. If you haven't completely migrated to Google Analytics 4 properties, follow the migration guide to start making the switch today.

Exporting your data
To maintain access to data from your Universal Analytics property, you should download or export your data now. If this isn't done through one of the methods provided in the Google Analytics Help Center, your data will be permanently deleted by Google and won't be recoverable. If you intend to use the BigQuery integration to export historical data from your Universal Analytics 360 property, we strongly recommend initiating this immediately.

Product integrations
Universal Analytics data and settings accessed or used through advertiser, publisher or other product integrations will be unavailable when services have stopped. For example:

  1. Universal Analytics goals and ecommerce transactions will stop measuring new conversions, including within linked advertising accounts. This may affect ad campaign performance if those conversions are used in combination with Smart Bidding.
  2. Universal Analytics audience lists will be closed, which may affect ad campaign media activation and performance.
  3. API requests related to Universal Analytics properties will fail, including requests for deletion of Universal Analytics data through the User Deletion API. This also means that tools relying on an API, such as Looker Studio, will not show any Universal Analytics data.
  4. BigQuery export and backfill of historical data from Universal Analytics 360 properties can only be requested up to and including June 30, 2024. Already exported data remains available in BigQuery.
  5. Attribution Projects that were part of Attribution (beta) in Google Analytics will be deleted.


The Google Analytics Team

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Rabu, 01 Mei 2024

Learn more about our updated Terms of Service

Rabu, 01 Mei 2024

We're updating our Terms of Service on May 22, 2024, so we wanted to let you know ahead of time.

These changes won't affect the way you use our services, but they should help make it easier for you to understand what to expect from Google — and what we expect from you — as you use our services.

You can see the new terms here. We also summarized the changes at the bottom of this email.

What do I need to do?

  • If you're under the age required to manage your own Google Account:
    • We sent this email to your parent or guardian so that they can help you understand our updates better.
    • Please discuss this email with your parent or guardian to decide if you need to do anything different with your account.
  • If you're a parent or guardian, and you allow your child to use the services:
    • Please review the updates to our terms with your child and help them decide whether they need to make any changes to their account.
    • Please remember that these terms apply to you and you're responsible for your child's activity on the services.
  • If you're the administrator of a Google Workspace corporate or educational account and you've enabled your users to access Google Additional Services:
    • Our new Terms of Service won't affect the Google Workspace agreement between Google and your organization. These new terms will only apply to those users to whom you've given access to Google Additional Services. You can always manage whether your users have access to Google Additional Services, and which ones, in your Admin console.
  • If you're a Google Workspace reseller whose customers have enabled their users to access Google Additional Services:
    • Our new Terms of Service won't affect your Google Workspace agreement with your customers. These new terms will only apply to your customers' users who've been given access to Google Additional Services. Your customers can always manage whether their users have access to Google Additional Services, and which ones, in their Admin console.
  • If you're any other user of the services:
    • Please read this email to understand our updated terms and your options for further action.
    • If you agree to the new terms, no further action is needed.

What's changing?

You can review the new Google Terms of Service here. At a glance, here's what this update covers:

  • Generative AI terms. We're moving our existing Generative AI Additional Terms to our main Terms of Service and adding other AI-related clarifications. For example – we won't claim ownership over original content generated by our AI-powered services.
  • More clarity on abusive activity. We're providing more examples and details about abuse and interference with our services that isn't allowed.
  • More details on limitations of liability. For users outside the US, we're adding clarifications to our limitations of liability and indemnity sections to avoid any misunderstandings in light of local laws or customs.
  • More clarity on disputes. We're clarifying that if you violate our terms, our remedies aren't limited to suspension or termination of your access to the services, but may include other remedies under applicable law. If problems or disputes arise between us about these terms, you'll have the opportunity to describe the issues and address them.
  • Updates to reflect how our services work. We're adding language about how our services work, and updating certain Google service brand names that have changed over time.
  • For users based in the European Economic Area (EEA) only:

If you don't agree to the new terms, you should remove your content and stop using the services. You can also end your relationship with us at any time, without penalty, by closing your Google Account.

Thank you for using Google services!

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

You have received this email to update you about important changes to Google's Terms of Service.

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Selasa, 02 April 2024

All Universal Analytics services cease to function starting July 1, 2024

Selasa, 02 April 2024

Hello Google Analytics user,

On July 1, 2024, Google Analytics 4 properties will have fully replaced Universal Analytics properties, as previously announced. From that date, Google will begin turning off all Universal Analytics services and Universal Analytics APIs, which means Universal Analytics properties will be inaccessible through the Google Analytics front-end and APIs. If you haven't completely migrated to Google Analytics 4 properties, follow the migration guide to start making the switch today.

Exporting your data
To maintain access to data from your Universal Analytics property, you should download or export your data now. If this isn't done through one of the methods provided in the Google Analytics Help Center, your data will be permanently deleted by Google and won't be recoverable. If you intend to use the BigQuery integration to export historical data from your Universal Analytics 360 property, we strongly recommend initiating this immediately.

Product integrations
Universal Analytics data and settings accessed or used through advertiser, publisher or other product integrations will be unavailable when services have stopped. For example:

  1. Universal Analytics goals and ecommerce transactions will stop measuring new conversions, including within linked advertising accounts. This may affect ad campaign performance if those conversions are used in combination with Smart Bidding.
  2. Universal Analytics audience lists will be closed, which may affect ad campaign media activation and performance.
  3. API requests related to Universal Analytics properties will fail, including requests for deletion of Universal Analytics data through the User Deletion API. This also means that tools relying on an API, such as Looker Studio, will not show any Universal Analytics data.
  4. BigQuery export and backfill of historical data from Universal Analytics 360 properties can only be requested up to and including June 30, 2024. Already exported data remains available in BigQuery.
  5. Attribution Projects that were part of Attribution (beta) in Google Analytics will be deleted.


The Google Analytics Team

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Selasa, 09 Januari 2024

Verifikasikan alamat email Anda

Selasa, 09 Januari 2024
Akun Microsoft
Verifikasikan alamat email Anda
Untuk menyelesaikan penyiapan akun Microsoft Anda, kami hanya perlu memastikan bahwa alamat ini adalah milik Anda.
Untuk memverifikasi alamat email Anda, gunakan kode keamanan ini: 408182
Jika Anda tidak meminta kode ini, Anda dengan aman dapat mengabaikan email ini. Orang lain mungkin telah salah dalam mengetik alamat email.
Terima kasih,
Tim akun Microsoft
Pernyataan Privasi
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052

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